Deutsch: Left-wing majority in EP “has ignored the will of millions of EU voters”

The Patriots for Europe group received enough supporting votes Europe-wide.

MEP Tamás Deutsch said the left-wing majority bloc in the European Parliament “has ignored the will of millions of EU voters” by overlooking the candidacy of the Patriots for Europe EP group for a post overseeing administrative and financial matters that directly affect MEPs, known as a Questor. 
Deutsch told a joint press conference held in Strasbourg with Fidesz-Christian Democrat MEP Pál Szekeres, the Patriots for Europe nominee, that the left-wing bloc “feels it has the power to overrule the decision of European voters and abuse its mandates from voters, using its EP position to rewrite the will of European voters expressed at the EP election”.
Today’s vote on Questors and yesterday’s vote on vice-presidents in which neither of the two candidates of the Patriots for Europe group received enough supporting votes “will only serve to boost the combative spirit of the group and the Fidesz-Christian Democrats delegation”, he said. He said the Patriots for Europe is the third largest group in the EP, so its delegates should have been given the positions.