Hungary advocates for European connectivity amid global shifts

Gladden Pappin, president of the Hungarian Institute of International Affairs, recently underscored Hungary's strategic role in promoting European economic resilience and advocating against economic protectionism.

Gladden Pappin highlighted in an article in Asia Times that Hungary is bolstering European economic strength through enhanced global connectivity.

Amidst growing global tensions, Pappin criticized the protectionist trends that threaten Europe’s industrial capabilities and advocated for the Hungarian strategy: "prudent connectivity" to safeguard its competitive standing on the global stage.

He pointed to the recent visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping to Hungary as a testament to Hungary's significant role in international relations, particularly in facilitating robust East-West economic interactions. This visit also highlighted the crucial importance of strategic partnerships as Europe navigates its complex relationship with China amidst broader geopolitical tensions.

According to Pappin, this economic strategy has successfully attracted substantial foreign investments from China, establishing Hungary as a central player in Europe’s industrial renaissance. He emphasized that Hungary’s approach goes beyond attracting foreign capital; it's about strategically integrating into the global supply chain to bolster the national economy and support broader European industrial capabilities.

Pappin criticized the EU’s cautious stance towards Chinese investments and technologies, describing it as counterproductive. He argued that such caution could lead to significant opportunity costs for Europe, especially when maintaining an open economic framework is crucial for its survival and growth.

As Europe faces the challenge of balancing its economic interests with geopolitical realities, Pappin called for a reassessment of its strategy towards China and the broader international community.

Europe must not find itself isolated in a rapidly evolving world order, he said. Instead, it must promote a strategy of connectivity to not only support economic growth but also enhance Europe’s defense-industrial capabilities.