Official: Ukraine is “brutally attacking Hungary for its pro-peace stance”

“They’re trying to destroy those who support peace, using every possible means," said Tamás Menczer.

Referring to a decision to shut down a pipeline carrying Russian crude to Hungary, Fidesz communications director Tamás Menczer said Ukraine is “brutally attacking Hungary for its pro-peace stance”.

“They’re trying to destroy those who support peace, using every possible means… It is dishonest, unacceptable and illegitimate,” the ruling party’s spokesman said in a video posted on Facebook. Menczer cited a Ukrainian MP as saying that Hungary’s resistance towards arms shipments to Ukraine “must be broken”. “We are being punished for being pro-peace; this time our energy security is under attack. It is quite possible that it was not Ukraine’s idea alone; they may have been assisted by pro-war Brussels circles or even US Democrats,” he said. “Everyone should be prepared: Hungary won’t let it go,” he warned.