PM Orbán: Hungary has been successfully fighting against the international left for 14 years

In Hungary, there is full employment, tax cuts and wage increases, and measures in place to support entrepreneurs and to protect families.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said Hungary has been successfully fighting against the international left for 14 years.

Speaking in Pontida, in northern Italy, at a rally held by Matteo Salvini's League party on Sunday, PM Orbán said that the mission of Hungarians is to prove that the left can be defeated. "We have defeated them five times," he said.

"We are more successful in governing than the left, the patriots are more successful in governing than the international left," PM Orbán said.

He noted that in Hungary there was full employment, tax cuts and wage increases, and measures in place to support entrepreneurs and to protect families.

"We will not allow for a joke to be made of marriage and a clown of those who love their family," the prime minister said.

"There is no future without families," he said, and noted the provision in the Hungarian basic law that establishes that "marriage is between a man and a woman".

He said the Hungarian constitution also asserts that the father is a man and the mother is a woman, adding that it would stay so "even if the international left stood on its head".