Speech by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán at a Lega party rally

6 October 2024, Pontida

Dear Friends,

I bring greetings from Hungary to you and to President Salvini. Hungary welcomes the Italian disciples of freedom. We salute the Italians fighting for their country and President Salvini. In Hungary we celebrate him as a hero for closing the borders and defending the homes of Italians. Indeed he defended Europe – and for that he deserves a medal, not criminal proceedings. The action being taken against your party and Salvini is a disgrace! It is a disgrace to the Left and a disgrace to Europe. Matteo Salvini is a European patriot. Viva, viva, viva!

Thank you for the invitation. It is good to be here among you. It is like being at home: green, white and red. Today is a day of national remembrance in Hungary, in memory of the heroes of the 1848/49 War of Independence. Back then the peoples of Italy and Hungary took up arms and fought against foreign domination. Freedom flowed through the veins of both peoples. The Italians and the Hungarians are two peoples who fought for freedom, and we are their heirs. We shall never surrender, we shall never give up our freedom, and we shall never yield our country to foreigners. We shall not hand it over to the bureaucrats in Brussels, nor to the global financial powers, nor to migrants. Italy belongs to the Italians, and Hungary to the Hungarians!

My Friends,

Italy is a bigger and richer country than Hungary. We are only ten million people, and the communists and the Soviet occupiers took forty-five years of our lives. Yet you invited me here. But what can I give you? I can give you one thing: I can give you my experience, and I can give you the example that is Hungary. Today Europe is awash in a sea of leftist politics, and we live in an ocean of leftist hegemony. But Hungary is an island, a special island, an “isola della differenza”, which has been fighting the international Left for fourteen years. And in Hungary we are fighting successfully. Hungary’s mission in Europe is to prove that the Left can be defeated. We have defeated them five times. Hungary is proving that patriots can govern successfully. We govern more successfully than the Left. Patriots govern more successfully than the international Left.

My Friends,

In Hungary today we have full employment. We are cutting taxes, raising wages, helping businesses, and supporting and protecting families. We will not allow marriage to be made into a joke, and people who love their families to be made fools of. Without families there is no future. The Hungarian Constitution says that marriage is between one man and one woman, and it also says that a father is a man and a mother is a woman. And this will still be true, whatever contortions the international Left puts itself through. We have crushed crime and locked up criminals. Today Hungary is the safest country in Europe. But today the most important example I can give you is our anti-migration policy. We do not let illegal migrants in. We defend our borders. Crossing the border without permission is a crime. Only those who have permission to enter our country can do so, and they must wait for that permission outside our borders. The number of migrants in Hungary is zero. We shall not surrender our country, we shall not let them change our culture. Hungary is our home and we want to feel at home in it. Today the European Left and the Brussels bureaucrats are together punishing Hungary. So far 200 million euros has been demanded from us, and every day another one million euros, because we will not let in migrants. We are being punished for defending Europe. It is a disgrace, it is Brussels’ disgrace! But you know what? If they continue to punish us, we will transport the migrants from Budapest to Brussels, and drop them off in front of the offices in Brussels. If they want migrants, they will get them.

Dear Friends,

Italy is a big, strong and rich country. If Hungary can do this, you can do it. Do not think it is impossible. It is possible! We are the living example. Be determined and courageous, and follow your great leaders like Matteo Salvini.

My Friends,

There is another reason that I have come to you. I want to talk about one more thing. And this is our common Europe. We are in trouble, our Europe is in trouble. Europe is a worse place today than it was ten years ago. The streets have become more dangerous, migrants are keeping peaceful Europeans in fear, they do not respect the law and they do not respect our police. We worry about the future of our children, and we are afraid to think what life will be like in ten or twenty years’ time. The European Union was created for peace, but in Europe today there is a war, a Ukrainian-Russian war; and instead of standing up for peace, Brussels has become a belligerent. And meanwhile the Brussels bureaucrats are destroying the European economy. The EU was also created for prosperity, but the people of Europe are finding it harder and harder to support their families, and European companies are finding it harder and harder to stay afloat. The European Left has made a mess of everything, and the bureaucrats in Brussels are not serving the interests of ordinary Europeans, but their own interests. If this continues, the European Union will be ruined, the future of Europe will be ruined.

My Friends,

And meanwhile in the European Parliament, the Patriots’ MEPs are being deprived of their rights. In Brussels, patriotic people – sovereigntists and patriots – are being persecuted. Moreover, money is being sent from Brussels to the Left, who are fighting against patriots. Although Hungary and Italy come first in our hearts, we cannot turn our backs on Brussels. If we yield Brussels to the Left, they will overthrow the national governments of the Patriots one by one – as they have done with Poland. This is why we must not withdraw from Brussels, but march upon it. Brussels must be seized! Brussels must be taken from the bureaucrats and given back to the people of Europe.

We must now decide to do what the old Lombard Italians decided to do here in Pontida. We must unite. We have taken the first step: a government of the Right has been formed in Italy. We have taken the second step: Wilders has won in the Netherlands. We have taken the third step: Kickl has won in Austria. We have taken the fourth step: Babiš has won in the election for the Czech Senate. We have taken the fifth step: we have formed the Patriots, the third largest group in the European Parliament. We are now strengthening the Patriots for Europe group and moving forward on the path of unifying the Right in Europe. We shall not stop. At the end of the fight Paris will be turned around, we will take back Warsaw, and we will be the largest political force in Europe. Then we will take control of Brussels politics and make Europe great, strong, secure, prosperous and free again. We Patriots can do this!

Long live Italy! Long live Hungary! Avanti ragazzi di Buda! Avanti ragazzi di Lega!