European Security


PM Orbán: A mandatory migrant quota is out of the question, external borders must be defended

They’re not giving in, those who see quotas and pro-immigration policies as Europe’s answer to the migration crisis. We’ll see a “decisive showdown” in June, said Prime Minister Orbán this week, when the EU’s heads of state and government will gather in Brussels again. Immigration will feature as one of the overriding issues on the agenda.

Mar 22, 2018 - Zoltán Kovács

Security and defense among top priorities makes Hungary one of the world’s safest countries

In a Europe that has experienced acts of terrorism with increasing frequency in recent years, Hungary stands out as an island of security at the heart of the continent. The reasons are many, but important among them is the political will to keep it like that. In addition to the border fence securing an otherwise vulnerable stretch of the European Union’s southeastern border, the Orbán Government bolstered defense forces through the Zrinyi 2026 program.

Jan 5, 2018 - Zoltán Kovács

Hungary’s security-first approach puts the country among the safest in the world

Recently, the UK newspaper Daily Star featured Hungary on a top ten list of “safe travel destinations with low threat of terrorism.” The ranking came just weeks after Minister János Lázár said that is Prime Minister Orbán’s aim to have Hungary considered among the top ten safest countries of the world.

Sep 4, 2017 - Zoltán Kovács
News in Brief

Hungary says security in Europe has never been this bad

“European leaders are responsible for guaranteeing the security of the continent, and those who are incapable of doing so have no place among the leaders of Europe. Their job should be to do something to combat the threat of terrorism," Hungary's foreign minister said

Aug 23, 2017