Deputy PM: Jewish community can live safely in Hungary
Deputy PM Semjén said that since the terrorist attack in Israel on October 7, 2023, more attention needs to be paid to combating anti-Semitism
Deputy PM Semjén said that since the terrorist attack in Israel on October 7, 2023, more attention needs to be paid to combating anti-Semitism
KDNP as a party has existed for 80 years because it stands on the spiritual foundations of the founding fathers and represents eternal truth in the everyday world.
Zsolt Semjén said the Hungarian diaspora was a "bridgehead" for Hungary in terms of culture, the economy, and "in all other areas of life."
The deputy prime minister said that what gives humankind a wealth of values is the diversity of nations and nationalities.
The initiative would reach some 78,000-80,000 students in the 7-11th grade, in some 3,000 classes, who will visit one of 47 national memorial sites.
By winning at least five mandates, VMSZ has retained its own group in Serbia’s parliament.
Zsolt Semjén said: “We interpret ourselves as parts of Hungarian history and Hungary’s mission in this present day and age.”
The Deputy PM said currently 252,000 children were enrolled in Hungarian-language education in the Carpathian Basin.
The pair reviewed the excellent relations between the Order of Malta and Hungary and the operation of the Hungarian Maltese Charity.
Aid worth 30 million forints (EUR 80,860) will be delivered to Ukraine and the rest provided for refugees staying in Hungary.
The deputy prime minister said the transfer was “a gesture by the Russian Orthodox Church towards Hungary”, to which the prisoners had owed their freedom.
Zsolt Semjén said Esterházy had been a politician who represented “the common fate of the Slovak and the Hungarian nation”.
President Novák, her husband and Semjén were received by Pope Francis ahead of the ceremony.