Foreign Minister calls for cooperation between sovereigntist forces in EU

The foreign minister said the liberal mainstream was "trying to rule over Europe, and are clearly divvying up positions without considering the will of the voters."

Péter Szijjártó, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, has called for cooperation between sovereigntist and patriotic forces in the EU, saying the liberal mainstream was "trying to rule over Europe, and are clearly divvying up positions without considering the will of the voters."
Minister Szijjártó met Christian Hafenecker, a Secretary General of Austria’s Freedom Party (FPÖ), in Vienna, and said that FPÖ and Hungary’s ruling Fidesz had both won their respective EP elections, “because people voted for patriotic, sovereigntist, pro-peace parties that oppose a European super-state”. FPÖ and Fidesz are cooperating closely and have similar stances on the solutions to the challenges facing Europe, he said. “We both think that further curbing member states’ competencies is unacceptable… [and] Europe should swiftly change its pro-migration stance.” FPÖ and Fidesz also agree that “Ukraine needs peace, not weapon deliveries,” he added. Later on Tuesday, Minister Szijjártó met top officials of gas pipeline operator Trans Austria Gasleitung and said the Trans Austrian Gas pipeline could contribute to strengthening the security of Hungary’s energy supply. According to a statement from the ministry, Péter Szijjártó told public media that the pipeline could be a “good security reserve”, giving Hungary access to LNG arriving at ports in Italy.